10 Spiritual Lessons I've learned in the last 12 months.
Aug 20, 2024
Atma Namaste Everyone and Happy Founder's Day!
I have been wanting to write a letter like this for the past couple months but just as I would sit down to clarify my thoughts, new energies and insights would come flooding over me. And I would have to take a step back for a week to let these energies and insights integrate into my daily life. Until two nights ago, while sitting in meditation, these lessons started pouring down into my consciousness and I was like, "Ok, I guess now is the time to write this letter." I would say the biggest catalyst for these lessons coming into my awareness was moving to Hawaii in Dec of 2021. I'm approaching the 3 year mark of living here and man oh man, what an unbelievable ride its been.
In this letter, I would like to share 10 Spiritual Lessons I've Learned over the past 12 months. Hopefully it will inspire you to continue moving forward on your spiritual path, help alleviate any suffering you may be experiencing and put things into perspective and prevent you from making the same mistakes. Just a heads up, this is a BIG letter and at a couple points, it may seem like I'm going off the rails or I'm stocking up on tin foil, but just walk with me to the end, ok?
Great! I admire your courage and open mindness.
Keep in mind, all these lessons I'm sharing will overlap and complement each other. At the end of the day, each and every lesson is pointing us back to Oneness with God and Oneness with All. This process of realizing and expanding into oneness is never ending. We are constantly transmuting, transforming and transcending. No matter what, lets always keep our gaze fixed on God.
Lesson 1: I had to drop a lot of expectations.
When I moved to Hawaii, I was in a long distance relationship that I expected to go to the next level. Yet there were too many factors that needed to be overcome. Surprisingly, the lack of traction in this relationship laid the groundwork for the tracton of my teenage son to live with me. He wanted a change of pace from his Florida life and to finish up high school in Hawaii. I had expectations that he and I would completely heal our 15 years of traumas, misunderstandings and hurts, within a matter of a few months and then be the best of friends. While there was lots of healing that took place, I found out there was even more hurt and pain that I expected. While we strengthened our love and understanding for each other during his 14 months in Hawaii, we didn't close this chapter being the best of friends. And I was expecting that after 15 years, his mother and I would be on speaking terms. She even came out to visit Gabriel in Hawaii and I was expecting a coffee date or lunch, but instead, it was just fact-based texts. I thought to myself, "How could this person still be so mad after 15 years?"
I had many expectations arriving in Hawaii; from having a beautiful, loving, intimate relationship to hanging out with a solid group of local friends doing stuff together, or my expectation that living in paradise would heal my physical body with its bright sun, gentle breezes and cleansing ocean water yet I experienced some of the most intense physical pains of my life from acute wrist, shoulder, elbow, hip and lower back pains, to almost drowning, getting into a motorcycle accident, cutting my hands and feet on coral and constant exhaustion. I expected paradise would be calm, peaceful and still but I've experienced the greatest noise pollution of any place I have ever lived and I've lived over 40 places around the US. Loud noises from cars and motorcycles drag racing at all hours of the day, to a neighbor revving his mustang in the parking lot, to scooters doing donuts for 20 mins in the parking garage next to me or landscapers blowing nothing but dirt and seeds at my door for 45 mins twice a week or trucks honking with train horns during rush hour traffic or lastly, meth addicts on the street screaming profanities at 6:30 in the morning. My expectations of calm, peacefulness and stillness were thrown out the window.
I had many other expectations since moving here such as my healing business having grown to x-clients and y-revenue, or being approved for the next level of Arhatic Yoga or enjoying the last Arhatic Yoga Retreat instead of being sick with covid in the hotel room. Or my biggest expectation of packing my bags for my world tour. But then my mentor brought me back to reality and reminded me of MCKS' words, "Unrealistic expectations lead to suffering." I needed to change my perception around all of these things and my suffering would be gone. I needed to be aware of all the amazing things that have and are happening in my life...such as a year with my son, living in paradise, only working a few hours per week and making great income, being protected from being in the wrong relationships with the wrong people, realizing that my physical body needs to catch up to my energy body before I can take the next level of Arhatic Yoga and be grateful for the opportunity to neutralize ancient karma with the island of Hawaii, and that I wasn't here by accident. As she continued revealing my hidden unrealistic expectations. giving them a more realistic outlook, my suffering magically transformed from 'UGH' to 'AHH.'
I am truly grateful for where I am and who I am on this magical island in the middle of the Pacific Ocean.
Lesson 2: Boundaries are actually good.
I don't know if you grew up in an unhealthy,dysfunctional household like I did, but I never felt safe. And when I was placed in environments that had boundaries, I felt even more unsafe and out of sorts. Growing up, adults and classmates would attempt to tell me what to do or not do, but I wouldn't listen. I would simply say and do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. And if someone tried to express their needs, wants and desires onto me I would avoid that person because I thought they were trying to control me. I would then gravitate towards other people with low self esteem and no boundaries so I could 'be myself' and not feel judged or controlled. This personality trait followed me well into adulthood with my communication style of, 'my way or the highway.' Most times, I wouldn't impose my way onto someone if they didn't support me, I would just leave the friendship or relationship entirely. Most people who knew me, didn't want to lose the connection, so they would compromise their boundaries. Moving to Hawaii taught me a lot about boundaries.
A local friend and Arhatic Yogi would express her boundaries with me. "I prefer hugs like this." or "I prefer we don't talk about that." and I thought to myself, "Who the hell does this person think she is? This is how I hug people and how I talk to people." I thought she was trying to control me and make me wrong. But she was simply expressing her boundaries. In the beginning, I chose not to pursue the friendship and let it fall by the wayside. I pouted, "Pff, if she wants to hang out with me, she has to fall into line." But each time we hung out, she would express another boundary or enforce an old one and I thought, "Wait, I get it. She's teaching me something right now at this very moment. Pay attention Christian...observe." Then the more we hung out, the more I could see she wasn't hating on me or trying to control me, she was trying to be an advocate for herself. I have always thought when people expressed their boundaries with me they were rejecting me and thinking I was less than. That if someone truly loved me, they would not have boundaries with me. I learned no boundaries from my parents, who were supposed to love me unconditionally. I equated boundaries with rejection and no boundaries as love and acceptance. This explains why I had a hard time expressing boundaries in my life with the people I loved including my clients.
Even the island of Hawaii itself taught me about boundaries! About respecting the people, the culture and the land. At first I was like, "Of course I respect the people, culture and land! I don't raise my voice or swear at others, I smile and thank each person I come across. I respect the culture by not interrupting ceremonies or being too intrusive. I respect the land by meditating and doing healings here." Then I realized its much deeper. Respecting and honoring the boundaries of the people, culture and land is much bigger and more complex than just not doing the wrong thing. I actually had to speak with my friend on the island, my mentor and one of the Pranic Healing Masters to get a grasp of acknowledging and respecting boundaries. My personality has a very hard time with it. As MCKS would say, "Different laws govern a disciple than an ordinary person." I was expected to raise my standards and understand how to interact better in my new home. This was not at all easy for me. It really showed me how unconscious I was of boundaries.
Little by little, I began to understand boundaries of myself and others, expressing those boundaries assertively (not aggressively) and taking action with those who do not respect my boundaries. Rather than immediately healing a friend or client who reaches out for healing, I would pause and either tell them, "I will not be doing the healing" or "I will heal you at a time convenient for me" The beginning of Sept last year, I committed to leading a daily meditation for the 365 days, I pushed through pain, exhaustion and confusion in order to fulfill the commitment I had made to the group. Then I remembered healthy boundaries and in May of this year, I went from 7 days a week of leading meditation to 1 day a week. I was listening to what my bodies needed and gave them the time to rest and recuperate. No guilt and no shame. For many years, rescheduling a healing session was the greatest betrayal to a client, in my eyes. I thought they had paid me and reserved time to get coaching and healing from me therefore I needed to show up. To reschedule with them was the greatest slap in the face. I had the biggest program of not wanting to disappoint or let others down. But by practicing boundaries, I realized I cannot be on 100% of time for all people and that's ok. Now I can reschedule when needed without guilt or shame. I used to get MANY questions from MANY people about meditation techniques, healing protocols, personal and professional matters and would answer at the drop of a hat and in great detail, whether they were paying me or not. Now? It depends on...my energy level, other commitments, the receptivity of the person, whether they're a client or not, etc. Meaning I first check in with myself before choosing what to do and when to do it. There is a person on my phone right now that I have not responded to for a week because I don't want to. I don't owe this person a response. I have done lots of free healings for him and he has referred me business and I consider us neutral. Expressing boundaries took me many years to even realize, never mind practicing them assertively. I'm still learning and will continue making mistakes though the process. But I consistently express them without guilt, shame or aggressiveness.
Lastly, reflecting on boundaries I realized I had invited several people into my inner circle who were angry and would put me down out of playfulness from time to time until it dawned on me. "Why am I attracting these kinds of people into my life who are angry, traumatized and sharp with me?" Then I realized, I'm giving them permission to treat me like this because I was unwilling to advocate for my own mental and emotional well being. I could try to heal their lifelong patterns of anger, trauma and gaslighting or I could kindly remove myself from their lives. MCKS said, "Some people need to be kept at a distance. And bless them from a distance." That's why I chose to do this with these people. They were no longer welcome in my aura. Which is a lesson my mentor has had to remind me over and over for years, "Your aura is constantly open, inviting all kinds of people and energies into it. You need to learn to close and protect your energy better."
I am grateful for my friend and mentor in anchoring the lesson of boundaries deeper into my consciousness.
Lesson 3: Sexual energy is fuel for higher states.
For as long as I can remember, my mind has been horny. I have done countless hours of inner work trying to become aware, understand and transform my horiness and sexual energies. I feel confident I could write a bestseller on this practice. I got a working title, "Using Sexual Energy for Higher States of Consciousness" whaddya think? I have relied on my sex energy to build my meditation and healing business, meditation groups, seduce women, charisma to film over 650 spiritual videos, create 5 healing programs and write over 300 newsletters. Sex energy is amazing. Sex energy feeds the upper chakras with greater love and intimacy, creative intelligence, higher intelligence and...ultimately fuels our connection with God. But something changed with my sex energy over the years.
It first started in 2019, when I realized the improper use of my sex energy was causing injury and confusion to others. So I made a firm resolution, "I will not express my sex energy like that again." From that point onward, there was a big drop in my ability to feel, persuade and influence others using my sex energy. Whether it was through live streams online and in person with meditations. I feel like I lost my touch. A girlfriend at the time said, "There's nothing wrong with your sex energy, you just need to use your heart more. Attract people through your heart, not just your sex." It took me years to realize how right she was...which brings me to the last 12 months of living in Hawaii.
You would expect a single, relatively good looking, spiritual guy living in Hawaii, 5 mins from the beach, would be very active in using his sex energy. Actually the old program from 2019 was still there, "do not express sex energy like that!..." Luckily, instead of living my life from my sex chakra, I was living more from a heart space. I was experiencing greater softness, sweetness and intimacy. But I was not experiencing these qualities with another person at all, only myself. Its like I was falling in love with myself. I would walk the beaches in my neighborhood and see beautiful women all day long but I would feel zero arousal. Like I was completely indifferent. Only my mind was horny, but my body was like 'meh.' I talked with my mentor, thinking I was losing my edge, my testosterone levels were at an all time low and that I would never be able to persuade another person for good ever again. She laughed and said, "Yes, the old sex programs are gone and your sex energy can move freely now, rather than being blocked and causing you to feel outta control because you are so horny." Ok, I guess I can take this as a good thing. She recommended I go to the beach and spend time transmuting the energies, just like MCKS taught us in the Lord's Prayer. So I followed simple instructions and made my way to the beach.
I set up shop with my beach blanket, headphones and water bottle, "Hmm, there's a few beautiful women around here but I'm not here for that. I'm here to practice transmutation. To master my sexual energy for higher purposes." Then an absolutely gorgeous woman walked in front of me by the shoreline; classy, athletic and radiant. I immediately felt the sexual urge stirring within me and realized I had two choices, "I could use this sexual energy to pursue this attractive woman or I could use this sexual energy to heal my life, what's it gonna be?" I chose option B and started doing the transmutation technique and was feeling the energies moving. The urges were subsiding and the bliss was starting to accumulate. And as the lesson would have it, this attractive woman circled back around and almost walked on my beach blanket, along with another very attractive woman. Then it hit me, "I'm being tested!" Cause at that moment, I was about to get up and approach the first woman and get her number, falling back into all patterns of seducing and using sex energy for lower purposes. Instead of pursuing (which was hard) I anchored my butt onto my beach blanket and continued practicing the technique. I was committed to doing it for as long as it took until the lower urges fully transformed into higher energies.
I thought it would take 5 mins, 10 mins maximum. Well, the urges were so strong and the stimuli were so intense in my environment, I practiced continuously for 45 mins! But what happened after that experience, no ordinary orgasm could ever come close to touching the inner bliss inside and outside my body. MCKS said, "The closest thing an ordinary person will come to experiencing bliss is with an orgasm." Well, my spiritual orgasm that took 45 mins to cultivate didn't last for just 30 seconds like an ordinary orgasm...the intense bliss lasted for over 4 days! At certain points, the bliss would come in such strong waves, I would have to lie down in order to handle it. A gigantic smile was frozen onto my face for 4 straight days and I experienced bliss even while I slept. I knew this intense bliss would not last forever because eventually my bodies would reacclimate to the upgrade. This experience gave me a newfound appreciation for sex energy, my sex chakra and intimacy with myself and others. My urge to sexually release at the beach was so strong but I used the urge to transmute and transform the energies into 4 days of intense bliss and expansion of consciousness. I remember in the book, Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle, saying that women had a greater potential for achieving enlightenment in a lifetime because of the collective pain body during their periods. By being present to the intense pain and sensations of menstrual cramps, a woman has greater fuel to rocket her into the present moment and higher states of consciousness. At the beach, I learned the same thing with my sexual urges. My intense sexual desire was the rocket fuel necessary to feed and expand the higher chakras, enabling the transformation to occur. What a gift! Interestingly enough, since that time at the beach, I have not been compelled by such strong urges and needing to transmute them. Most of my life there has been so much guilt, shame and anxiousness around sex energies. Yet after this experience, I was deeply healed by the very same sex energies.
The new challenge is how do I relate to myself and others, if not in a sexual way? This has been my modus operandi as long as I can remember, I'm talking even as a 5 year old boy. Its like removing a part of your personality then navigating interpersonal relationships without it. Its a bit disorientating.
Lesson 4: I consciously transform my environment.
Remember I was sharing how loud Hawaii is with the train horns, drag racing, circling scooters and overly thorough landscapers? Loudness has been my Achilles' heel for many years. In fact, a loud neighbor was the single biggest reason as to why I left Denver in 2020. This person would play the loudest music between 4:30am and 5:30am, the strangest times I have ever heard someone play such loud music. I spoke to him about turning it down but he acted like I was insulting his value as a human being. I researched noise ordinances in my neighborhood and the steps to get it resolved with the property management company and the police...but nothing could be done. It got so bad, I had to move my bed out of the bedroom into the living room and slept there for several months and even then I wasn't sleeping well because of a construction project for the next building over. They handled the noise during the day and he handle it at the crack of dawn. Also my next door neighbors both smoked like chimneys and the smoke came right through my vents. I was going mad. Have you ever reached a point in life where your external environment is driving you to the point of insanity? I reached it a couple of times. I was so fed up, I looked up, 'QUIETEST PLACE in Colorado' and found Creede, I immediately booked an airbnb for 4 days and packed a suitcase and got on the road. It was a 4 hour drive and to be honest, it was one of quietest places I had ever been in my entire life. It was an oasis of stillness right next to the Rio Grande River. It is located 20 mins inside of a mountain range with a population of 250 people. Tiny houses, tiny streets, tiny restaurants and tiny noises. I slept like a baby for the first time in a year and was even considering moving there from Denver, but other factors made that not feasible.
So am I suggesting, to run from your problems? Not exactly, and it took me this year to realize that lesson. As one meditates and generates spiritual energy, one's consciousness, energy body and sensitivities expand. And remember, spiritual energy is a fertilizer and magnifier to the energies that are already present. So I noticed living in Hawaii...the more I did my advanced meditations, the bigger the noises got and the stranger the occurrences became. For instance, my next door neighbor who has been living in his apartment for 8 years with no problems, started taking drugs, crying while walking his dog, playing very loud music at all hours of the day and I was like, "This is strange, the past 2 years I've been here, he wasn't like this." Then it occured to me, I usually did my advanced meditations at the beach, not in my apartment and recently I was upping the intensity of practices over the past couple months. Again, spiritual energy is a fertilizer and magnifier for the energies already present. And I had not been cleaning the energies of my apartment building. I was having flashbacks from the Denver neighbor blasting music at 4:30am, jack hammering all day and billows of cigarette smoke going into my kitchen. So my neighbor's condition got worse and worse, until one day the cops arrived trying to get him out of his apartment because his friends thought he was going to kill himself. My mentor and I did healings on him for two days and guess what happened? He checked himself into a clinic, friends took his dog and his other friends moved all his stuff out of his apartment. After 8 years of being there with no issues, he was gone within a month of excess spiritual energies and 2 days of healings. Thankfully it sounds like his life is moving forward. This experience taught me I can either unconsciously activate the wrong energies in my environment or I consciously transform the energies in my environment through divine will. I can use divine will to remove stress, congestion, fear, anger, addiction energies in my apartment, my building, neighborhood, city and state and replace those energies with light, love, power, compassion, kindness, and joy.
Using divine will to transform my environment is not a one time thing but something I must continually do throughout the week. After this neighbor moved out, the neighbor on the other side of me began playing his music super loud until 2am. So what do I do, blame him and the environment? Or did I clean and transform the energies? The simple yet not easy answer is, transform the energies. And that's the responsibility of a disciple who has greater awareness and tools to heal. I was telling a friend about the loudness and she was saying, "Funny, no matter where you go or how beautiful the place is, something inevitably gets worked up in your environment." I thought, "Yes, I am the factor." Before, I was reacting to unconsciously energizing unpleasant energies. Now I have the awareness that I can consciously transform the lower energies of my environment into the higher, more beautiful energies. To be clear, if you have the choice between living in a clean, bright and healthy environment vs a heavy, congested, stress filled environment, take the former...but you will still need to transform the energies, maybe just not as often.
Lesson 5: My body can live without pain.
Most of you do not know this but I have experienced intense physical pain in my body since I was a teenager and it only got worse when I started meditating at 19 years old. The only reason I continued to meditate even though it made the pain worse, is because when I entered the silence there was no pain, no sensations, no suffering. I had a moment of reprieve and that was priceless to me, there were many times in meditation I never wanted to come back to my body. Now where did all this pain come from? Multiple factors; karma from previous incarnations, kundalini syndrome, inflammation from poor diet, improper exercise, clogged nadis (energy channels), improper posture, emotional and mental trauma and prolonged lack of sleep, congestion from negative connections and environment and an energetically diseased, sick basic chakra. And what does meditation do for all these imbalances? Brings down more energy, usually making the imbalances even worse. A quick note about exercise, I know empirically exercise has been proven to help every aspect of life but the big reason as to why I didn't exercise was because of how much pain my body was in, while moving.
I would meditate to escape my pain and I would eat sweets to temporarily lift my mood. This pattern lasted up until 6 months ago. For years it would hurt to heal others but I did it anyways, it would hurt to lead meditations but I did it anyways. It would hurt to associate with most people, but I would try and usually prefer to be alone. Even having sex caused a tremendous amount of physical pain due to contamination and lack of love for my partner. Even scanning energy and looking at energy with my mentor, caused me so much pain. I avoided doing a lot of things. And ever since moving to Hawaii almost 3 years ago, my physical pain had taken on a level I didn't know was possible. Also, to add insult to injury, I first got covid in Maui before moving to Oahu and had covid 5 more times within 2 years, long covid no less. My lung capacity on an oximeter would hover between 88 and 91 and doctors say at 91, you should go to the emergency room. But intuitively I knew doctors didn't have the solution for my particular ailment.
I began looking at all the factors that contributed to my pain and gradually changed them. I would casually drink when friends who would visit from out of town, I completely stopped that. I could see how the alcohol was inflaming and congesting my whole system and negatively affecting my kundalini energy. I was eating fish with my son 5 days a week and occasionally going to Red Lobster with him, stopped that completely because I would feel sick to my stomach for a couple days each time I did it. I again lowered my sugar consumption to minimize the inflammation in my body. I stopped my beloved higher Arhatic Yoga practices to let my system cool down. A huge game changer was cutting cords not just once or twice a day, but cutting cords throughout the whole day, sometimes every 20 mins. I would swim in the ocean 3-4x per week for 30 mins to cleanse my energy body. I stopped drinking caffeinated coffee and went to decaf. I added kimchi, sauerkraut and brags to most of my dishes. I added supplements such as iron, D3, B complex, C, Omega 3 Fatty Acids, Spirulina, Magnesium, Zinc and Pea Protein. I began intermittent fasting again. I began drinking apple cider vinegar again to take the stress off my digestive system.
I was making huge progress with reducing pain but energy levels were still way down. I was still exhausted all day, everyday for almost 3 years straight. I was like, "This is ridiculous, I'm a full time, long time energy healer. I'm supposed to have vitality coming out the wazoo and I can barely keep my eyes open throughout the day." My eyes couldn't focus on screens or paperwork. My mind was fuzzy all the time and I completely lacked motivation. Then about 6 months ago, my body started burning. I would have ice packs wrapped around my head, under my buttocks and feet and in less than 10 mins the ice packs went from frozen solid to hot, even the sheets and pillows in my bedroom were hot to the touch. I was like, "What the hell is happening here?" a question I asked many times over the past 12 months.
Turns out I was suffering from severe kundalini syndrome and had a few draining connections in my life. MCKS said, "Kundalini syndrome is very difficult to heal." I was like, "Oh crap." I reached out to two Master Pranic Healers for healing and guidance...and got both. I also worked more intensely with my mentor to get out of this burning hell I was in. I guess my energy body was so big, it allowed me to sustain the energies of a few people but it was depleting my very life force faster than I could replenish it. This is why we need to connect up, not out. Connect up to our Higher Soul, the Great Teachers and ultimately God.
And through the grace of God, the Teacher and helpers, it worked. I was no longer in pain, exhausted or mentally fuzzy. To explain what its like to not be in severe pain is very difficult, especially when I only knew pain for most of my life. Going for walks on the beach or around the neighborhood became a joy rather than an obligation and I could actually feel all the way down to the bottom of my feet. Like actually feel the coolness of my toes in the sand and grass rather than a burning sensation from my hips down or mentally having to numb myself so much so, I couldn't feel my legs at all. Even now, months later, I'm still in awe of being able to feel my entire leg without pain. My lung capacity went from 91 everytime to 98 to 100 most times. I no longer need ice packs around my head, under my buttocks or feet.
Without this pain I could finally get back into work mode. My scanning was faster because I wasn't being distracted by pain. My clairvoyance was more accurate because the energy was being used to look rather than being consumed to deal with pain. I started enjoying healing again because I wasn't in pain, exhausted, burning up or fuzzy headed. I have so much compassion for people with acute and chronic pain. And you might be wondering, "Christian, if you were in so much pain, why did you wait almost 3 years to get it resolved?" Great question...my best answer is, I was unaware and had no idea how much pain I was in because I was so used to being in pain and as the pain increased, my ability to think clearly and trouble shoot went right out the window. It was only until I repeatedly said to my mentor, "I'm so tired all the time, no matter what I do." My mentor looked into it further and came back with an action plan. Not to be overly dramatic, but I felt like I was slowly dying yet was clueless about what to do. Remember, you have to have energy to have awareness, find a solution and take action, right? Well, if you're completely depleted of energy, you don't even have the awareness that you ARE depleted of energy, nevermind uncovering possible solutions then taking massive action. I am grateful for the new found awareness and my energy levels are being replenished and renewed each day.
Lesson 6: Self healing is a gift from the gods.
As I mentioned earlier, while I was in so much pain, it made it very difficult to heal others. It required me to disassociate from the pain, identify with the Higher Soul and do the healing protocol to the best of my abilities, which I've done for many years. I would heal others because it is my duty and my source of income. I have no other choice but to heal. Now when it comes to self healing, I would consistently and perpetually put it on the back burner. It physically hurt to do self healing! Sweeping the energy hurt, rotating my hand hurt, holding the healing crystal hurt, scanning my energy hurt. This all changed when the pain started going down, down and down to a manageable level and my energy levels went up. I was finally able to do self healing and man, did things start to change fast.
The more self healing I did, the better I felt and the more energy I had. It was like this positive feedback loop. I became a self healing machine. I did 2-3 hours of self healing every single day for about 2 months. I would do physical healing, emotional healing, psychological healing. I would look deep into my aura and chakras, pulling out anything and everything that didn't belong; from old childhood traumas to negative programs about past relationships, to inadequacies of being a father to anger towards the Hawaiian Islands, nothing was off limits. I went to the darkest areas I could find because I was determined to achieve lasting healing and transformation. I started doing regular healings on the seven generations of my family tree on both my father's and mother's side. I started healing and shielding myself, my son, my business, my apartment and apartment building. I never did these things regularly because of the pain I experienced doing them. Now I could freely scan and look painfree and it opened up new and different awareness of what needs to be healed next, why am I continuing to be stuck here and how to prevent it from happening again. One of the funniest nuggets that came from all this self healing was, "I'm a really good healer!" Not from a sense of boasting or bragging but from humility and gratitude of what is. I am a good healer for myself. Previously, meditation was my form of self healing because I could easily navigate that world. But it looks like I needed to develop other tools and strategies. I am supremely grateful for the gift of self healing. If I miss a single day, I notice the difference. Even a 5 min self healing session does wonders. Luckily I do not have to heal myself everyday for 2-3 hours like I was because that was an extreme situation. Now, 45 mins of self healing is more than enough to create an amazing day.
Realize that self healing and purification of the bodies is a never ending process, at least for this lifetime. We are constantly generating thoughts, emotions and physical sensations that create diseased and congested energies which need to be removed. Just like we shower daily to stay physically clean because one shower won't keep us clean for the rest of our lives, the same with daily self healing. I no longer tolerate pain in my body, I simply get out my crystal and remove it immediately. That's another level of self love.
Lesson 7: No awareness, no transformation.
Many of you know I built my healing business on this single quote by MCKS', "Without awareness, there is no inner transformation." Over the last 12 months, I have become aware of people, places, things and happenings I could not have imagined even two years ago. I finally became aware of things I have heard time and time again, which finally clicked. I became more aware of things I've known for years but on a deeper level. I became aware of things experientially that I only knew theoretically. I became aware of the self delusion and self deception I had been hiding behind. I became aware of strengths and weaknesses I didn't know I had. I became aware of the gift of life and the work I do within it. I became aware of how far I've come and how much further there is to go. I became aware of the exhilaration of growing in awareness itself. Over the past 4 months I have become aware of lessons behind the most beautiful dreams and terrifying nightmares.
I realized that awareness is the key to transformation. If I had the awareness earlier I could have stopped or even avoided immense suffering. I could have transformed my life so much faster and easier. But I lacked awareness. I was clouded by negative thoughts, emotions, programs and traumas. I couldn't see the world accurately through the distortions within my energy body. With this new found awareness OF awareness, I have been able to transform faster and faster with less and less suffering. When I sit and meditate, I hear more, see more and get answers faster than ever before. Recently, one of the Master Pranic Healers was leading a class on materialization and I was looking for an answer and it literally came 10 seconds later by a question another student asked. But if I wasn't aware in the present moment, listening for the answer, I could have missed a beautiful, transformational nugget.
I am reinspired to look at my life compassionately and objectively. Again, letting go of the blame and shame and simply seeking to understand. The 4 part formula to transform is; 1. sit quietly, 2. be aware, 3. seek understanding on the awareness that comes and lastly 4. have the will to transform with your new understanding. Like I would sit quietly, and be aware of a sensation, and would ask, "What is this?" then listen carefully and I'd hear, "I don't feel good enough." I would respond, "Ahh, ok. Tell me more." then I would continue sitting still and being aware of what answers are coming. After I get enough clarity as to the source of this suffering, I then make a firm resolution, "I love myself and will always be here for myself." Then I'll do self healing or chant a mantra or stretch or something to anchor that energy of self love and self respect. Rinse and repeat.
That's just with ONE moment of sitting and being aware! I'm flabbergasted by how much more is hiding in my physical body, emotions, thoughts, subconscious mind, past incarnations, Higher Soul, divine family dynamic healing practices, relationships, wealth creation, health preservation,others, countries, earth, other planets, the universe, divine plan, God itself. I mean we got A LOT of things to be aware of! I think we suffer so much in life because we are so unaware of so many things all the time. MCKS says, "What bridges the gap between the conscious and unconscious mind is awareness." I realized over the past 12 months I don't want to keep suffering from the same issues I had 10, 20 or 30 years ago. I craze awareness in order to close the gap and live a conscious, transformed life.
Lesson 8: The earth is going through major changes right now.
This lesson could easily be an entirely separate email but I'll keep it short. Shit is going down on this planet right here, right now. Since I was a 10 years old, I had a sense there was more to the world than just the physical reality. There were other forces behind the scenes. It took me being an adult to realize these forces are not all benevolent. Or another way of saying it, I was becoming aware of good and evil forces. When covid happened at the end of 2019/start of 2020 the whole world shut down. Some say covid was a teacher, even a purifier. In my observation, covid created such division. Vaxxers, non vaxxers. People spreading falsehoods, other people being silenced. Science was being changed daily and mandates didn't make sense. First it absolutely didn't come from a lab, then it absolutely did come from a lab. I'm not here to have a heated debate about Covid, but what I am curious about is why during the lockdowns and afterwards people were not able to ask questions? People were not able to suggest alternatives. People were not able to inquire about the origins and purpose of covid. People were being shadow banned on social media. Like there are bigger energies and influences happening in the world that keep us on edge, unrested and unwell.
As a healer I became aware of some of these energies in Sedona with the portals. I saw things going in and out of the portals that left me feeling very unsettled. Prior to that, I thought portals were just places where higher beings would travel in and out of them, finding out not just higher beings and energies use the portals. When I saw those beings and energies moving throughout the portals in Sedona, I put it on the backburner, then back on the front burner of my mind when the Maui fires happened. For those of you who may not know, last year in August of 2023, there was a fire in Maui that killed over 100 people, approximately 1000 people are still missing, 1500 homes were destroyed and every conceivable thing that could have gone wrong, did go wrong. Almost like it was all planned. The Maui fire was the deadliest wildfire in the US in the last 100 years. I was in Maui 1 week before the fires happened. I also stayed in Maui for 1 month before moving to Oahu. I absolutely love Maui. Its a magical place, through and through. So I followed the story closely for 2 months and nothing seemed to add up. The lack of response and misdirection from the local authorities, the lack of transparency and support from the local government and misappropriation of funds, minimal coverage from the media, etc. Again, I'm not going to exhaust you with the details, I'm simply planting the seed for you to investigate and make your own conclusion. Yet as I look into it, it seemed like something evil was materializing in Maui in real time. Like there are people and places being controlled by darker and more powerful forces then them. Yes, I get it...sounds conspiratorial and way out there. I'm not asking you to agree, I'm asking you to question. I'm asking you to be aware, to look at the state and affairs of the world.
Doesn't something just seem off?
Just look at the United States over the past 2 months as an example. I'm not getting political, I'm not picking sides, again, I'm simply asking you to ask questions. There was an assination attempt on the former president of the United States who is running for office by a 20 year old who was seen and reported by a dozen rally participants but nothing was done. The current president said he would not be stepping aside and would continue the race for the 2025 presidency but withdrew 2 weeks later and his VP is now running for the presidency who was not elected by the people of her party and has not done an interview of any kind. The United States has sent approximately $200Billion to Ukraine without the vote of the people yet last year we've had 100,000 people die from fentanyl overdoses, rampant homelessness in all major cities, unaffordable housing being bought by venture capital firms, inflation the highest its been in 40 years, the state of California is missing over $45Billion from its balance sheets and no one knows where it went, in 7 years we've printed more money than has ever been created.
We have Artificial Intelligence advancing so quickly the creators can't keep up with the energy demands, hardware demands, safety and reliability demands and rather than the technology being used to accelerate advancements in medicine, education, public policy and the like, its being used to make it easier to manipulate social media algorithms, faster image & video generations and investment strategies.
Continuing with the weird things happening...UFO sightings are becoming more and more frequent over the past couple years. While I spent 7 months traveling the Pacific Northwest in 2021, I came across a UFO right outside of the Sierra National Forest. It was a crystal clear blue sky around 4:30pm and I looked up while driving and saw an unusually shaped object that didn't look like its structure would allow it to fly, so I reached down to grab my cellphone and in less than 2 seconds, the object was gone. Two months later, I was on Youtube and randomly came across a thumbnail showing three different UFOs spotted in California and the 3rd picture was the exact one I saw 2 months earlier. There seems to be such an energetic upheaval of the world's systems from education to banking from medicine to law from government policies to food production. Its like there's fight between the old and the new; between the old systems anchored in the while the new energies are destroying them and making way for the next generation.
I look at these systems and ask,
"Why do we subsidize, produce and distribute food that makes us sick?" or
"Why do we have a banking system that takes 4 days to reconcile accounts, withdraw limits, ability to freeze accounts and charges unfair fees?" or
"Why do doctors rarely talk about preventive approaches proven to work but willingly push for surgery and prescriptions?" or
"Why are students being taught the same way for the past 150 years and legally required to take irrelevant classes yet void of relevant classes? or
"Why does the government overspend and mismanage the overly taxed population when it absolutely can be done better, faster and cheaper?" or
"If we live in a democratic republic, why isn't the will of the people being done?" or
"Why does justice work better for people with money vs people without money?" or
"Why does the family court system have an incentive to drag out a case as long as possible?" or
"Why do cops have qualified immunity from bad policing, investigate themselves, and in the rare case that wrongdoing is found, the taxpayer foots the bill for the cops mistake?"
And a million more questions like this in 100 different fields, one could even ask questions from the opposite side.
For me, the simplest and best answer to these questions is...greed. The tendency within mankind to gather and hoard more and more resources from others and the planet, disregarding any negative consequences. Greed is a global problem. Greed is constantly wanting more power, influence, affluence just for the sake of it. And the energies and powers that be, are exploiting the program of greed. Again, money and resources are neutral, it is the virtue or vice within the individual and collective that determines whether the money and resources are used for good or evil. Look at how money and resources are being used throughout the world right now. The misallocations, waste, bribes, miscalculations, padding of profits, use of slave labor, avoidance of paying taxes, shuttng our competitors through political might, on and on. As MCKS would say, "Its not about right or wrong, its about understanding." For instance, let's say AI is able to develop better, cheaper medications with less side effects to alleviate the suffering of mankind. Sounds great right? Sounds altruistic right? Yet the current powers and energies would either decide to raise the prices so only the rich could afford or bury the findings until they can corner the market. Its not the tool of money or resources that is the problem, its the lack of virtue of the users of those tools. And the power aspect in the world is so distorted right now, that a few hundred people and a few dozen companies have influence and persuasion over the lives of billions of people.
The good news (I know you were waiting) is a Great Teacher may be on the way. As I understand it, every 100 years since 1425 there has been an uprising of a Great Spiritual Teacher coming into the world to get humanity back on track. This is coming from the love aspect of God. Love means to protect, provide and preserve. And from what I've been observing the past couple years, we really need this Great Teacher to have come yesterday! But it seems like the timing is perfect considering its an election year, two wars are talking place, threat of nuclear war is being spoken, dramatic weather changes, AI, cost of living going up globally and more. The arrival of this Teacher is supposedly in 2025 and spiritual aspirants from around the world, in my different faiths and practices, are preparing for the arrival. I don't know if it's a man, woman, transgender, biological or technological. This is far above my pay grade. I'm just doing my inner work and being the best disciple I know how to be. No matter what is happening with good or evil forces, peace or war between countries, systems collapsing or restructuring...the mission is the same, connect to our Higher Souls daily and be an instrument of goodwill and the will to do good and leave the rest up to the Avatars and God.
Lesson 9: I need my Teacher.
Without MCKS', his senior teachers and his teachings I would be in the dark ABOUT being in the dark. I have been a Pranic Healer and Arhatic Yogi since 2004. It is my dharma and spiritual practice. MCKS' has been my Guru even before I was born. Which may sound funny. But it was through practicing his teachings that validated that truth for me without someone having to tell or convince me. I owe everything to MCKS' in this incarnation. He (and his senior students) have had an unlimited reservoir of patience, compassion, kindness and wisdom for this impatient, inconsiderate, cocky and stubborn disciple.
I realized a long time ago, the only way to pay back those who have helped me, is by me helping many others. A few months ago, I was talking with someone and spoke highly of my MCKS and my mentor. I said, "My teacher taught me this...my mentor healed me of that..." And was going on and on about how much I loved my teacher and mentor. As I looked over, I noticed her uncomfortable body language and she said, "Yeah I don't really rely on a teacher, I rely on God." Now I have been passionately sharing MCKS, Pranic Healing, Twin Hearts Meditation and Arhatic Yoga with people for 20 years. Most of the time I can read a room and know the difference between a person who is open to discussing more vs a person who is just being nice with zero interest. The person in front of me was the latter. I could have used coaching questions, I could have changed the energy to make her more receptive but my outer experience and inner knowing realized it wasn't the time or place. I'm reminded of MCKS' words, "Let people grow at their own pace." Which for many years was very difficult for me to do because I wanted others to experience what I had been experiencing.
Yes, I know there are people who are adamant about converting someone to their club, hobby, church, religion, healing modality or whatever else because it validates their choice. I was never like that with Pranic Healing. Even as a beginning practitioner, I experienced miracles and was like, "Wow, I gotta show this to more people to make sure I'm not the crazy one." I wasn't sharing Pranic Healing because I needed someone to enroll or convert or whatever in order to justify my practice. Only in the last few months has my perception changed on sharing the teachings with others, I'm way more realistic in my expectations with others now. Instead of being a spiritual firehose for them, I'm more like a chilled cup of refreshing cucumber water. It took me years to realize and accept people don't experience Pranic Healing and the meditations like I do. I'm not saying this out of pride or that I'm more advanced than other practitioners, I'm saying my inner experiences were so full and rich for me, I HAD to share these practices in the hopes they would have similar experiences. But now, I am better at meeting people where they are at. And I realize, through my own 25 year journey of personal and spiritual development, that going very high and very far on the path requires a TREMENDOUS commitment of everything you got. Each day you must sacrifice your old self to realize your actual self. I spent 25 years purifying, energizing, balancing and expanding my awareness to get here, and to expect that same commitment from a new practitioner is foolish. I simply desire to be the teacher the person needs in the way he/she needs me. I'm sure MCKS could have illuminated many more Souls when he was in the body, but we simply weren't ready yet. We lacked the awareness, purification and couldn't handle the higher energies. This is why there is only one person left from Batch X, all the others quit due to the difficulties.
I remember a friend challenging me in my approach of sharing Pranic Healing. "You spend too much time working with people who are already bought into what you do. It would be better if you practiced convincing people who don't believe in what you do at all." I could see his point and I could also see his inability to understand how energy and healing works. Whenever it comes to energy, one must always consider conductivity. What would be a better use of a Teacher's time...working with someone who is open, receptive and interested in learning about healing, being healed and meditating or working with someone who is argumentative, disinterested and has no clear needs? I told him outright, "How you are talking right now would disqualify you as a client of mine. I would not do healing on you. You are not receptive to energy healing or me, so it would be a waste of time and energy." Funny enough, I knew saying that would cause him to be receptive to someone for healing and two weeks later, he was receiving Pranic Healing and experiencing good results. This is all possible because of my Teacher, I needed my Teacher and continue to need my Teacher.
Lesson 10: I can transform others, like I transformed myself
I know this sounds kind of obvious, "Christian you've been doing this work for 20+ years, done over 6,000 healings...like of course you can heal others and transform their lives." Well, since moving to Hawaii and especially the past 12 months, I've had some very tough healing cases and I didn't have the energy or awareness to help them in the way I thought I could. I was beginning to doubt my abilities to help their relationships, or business or health problems. I had to keep reminding myself, "You're the channel for the energy. Its not coming from you, its passing through you. Just be the channel." And the feedback I would get back would be great but I'm like, "The healing could have been faster, it could have been more profound. How can I do it better? How can I get them to hear the message better? Maybe I should have given better homework!" What it boiled down to was unworthiness and negative pride. Because of my constant state of pain and exhaustion, I didn't feel worthy of being the channel to produce miraculous results for my clients. But I had forgotten the main factor in the healing process, the Higher Soul of the other person! The Higher Soul of the other person is the one doing the healing and the healer is simply removing the blockages to make that healing easier. The one receiving the healing still needs to purify, develop awareness, deepen understanding and the will to transform. MCKS and my mentor would have wanted nothing more than for me to WAKE UP, be enlightened and live my greatest life but I wasn't there yet. I still hadn't done the necessary work yet. No matter how many healings, or blessings and advice was given. The limiting factor in enlightenment is not the Teacher, but the student.
As for the negative pride, I had to remind myself, I am no one's savior. The Great Spiritual Teacher is expected to come in 2025, that's a savior. Not this Pranic Healer from Hawaii. Yet I feel confident (finally) I can help someone rapidly and profoundly transform any area of life because I have had to transform every area of my life. I came into this life with many deficits and had to learn from the ground up how to succeed. I have more confidence helping people walk through the mindfields of their life because I've listened to where my teacher told me to walk and not walk and from my own explosions and confidently scream out at the top of my lungs, DO NOT STEP THERE!
I am truly honored you made it all the way through reading the 10 Spiritual Lessons I've learned over the past 12 months. Its the single longest piece I've ever written.
Get ready for our next email because I'll be making 3 exciting announcements, all in the hopes of transforming you, your family and business faster and better than before.
From my heart to yours.
Atma Namaste.