Back to School Healing Special

Back to School Healing Special


Atma Namaste! 


The Back 2 School Healing Special is designed to help students, parents and teachers live a healthier, happier and successful school year using energy healing, meditation and practical spiritualty. 

This is one of kind healing package can be used in numerous ways for healing a student, a parent or a teacher. The purchase of this offer includes a SECOND child at no additional cost. 

Students from K through College, can greatly benefit from this package of healing sessions. 


Over these sessions we will work on:


Remove stress & anxiety 

Improve memory and focus

Improve sleep quality

Energetic shielding for bullying




 9 mini-sessions (30 mins each)

Sessions done over zoom OR distantly at specific time 

Use sessions at anytime

This is offer is a 50% discount from current package rates


Offer ends August 31st. 

Order here 


Questions? email me directly at [email protected]